Cheers to the first Magnetic Monday of 2020! Let’s have creative fun this first Monday and discuss the topic of New Year Intention Setting for Business.
One huge lesson I learned in 2020 is that it’s ok to be interested in different things. For example, I used to compare myself to those people who’ve always known what they wanted to be and have stayed with that same thing for forever. I would change careers, try different small side businesses- I am most definitely a cat with 9 lives. Now I know my superpower is my widespread interests and passions – this hybrid of different things I’ve tried and studied have made my approach to life, business, and relationships different from everyone else. To be frank, I embrace the heck out of this now! This is magnetic for me.
For those of you who are like me who have wildly spread-out passions and you want to make decisions about which ones to focus and grow in 2021, here’s some advice (à la Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger Podcast ) I’ve recently encountered that’s super helpful:
New Year Intention Setting for Business
1. What does success look like for you? Your version will look very different from everyone else. For me, it means doing my favorite things really well (coaching, writing, and branding), and earning a sustainable income from them.
2. Ask yourself – are you achievement based or lifestyle based? For example- is your primary focus on bringing in more income or is it around finding balance and being fiercely protective of your personal time? Of course, you can do both with the proper planning and patience.
3. Make sure you account for your time and charge accordingly. When you’re passionate about a new business or side hustle, it’s easy to underestimate your efforts and how much time you’re spending on something, even when it’s something that doesn’t “feel like work”. I know my first few years as a wellness coach was so exhilarating as I got really good at helping others. The issue was that I was undercharging and burning myself out trying to make a solid living in L.A. Now I’ve learned to embrace charging what I am worth AND delivering the best results for my clients. We are both happier this way.
Take the opportunity in this first week of 2021 to get clear on which passions to pursue and what your definition of success will be this year. Intention setting will be key in helping you attain your goals.
I wish you luck my friends! ✨
XOXO, me!
Tanu aggarwal says
Loving the fresh take on New Year intention setting for business! 🌟 Embracing varied interests and focusing on what success means to you personally is so empowering. Excited to redefine success and set intentional goals for 2021! 🎯💼 #MagneticMonday #IntentionSetting