On this Magnetic Monday let’s talk about self-promotion and why it’s great to self promote.
Self promotion is sticky and can cause a lot of discomfort in people, especially women. Communicating your worth and sharing about the contributions you’ve made to your craft/industry/clients doesn’t mean you’re bragging. It means you’re speaking up about the value you bring to the world. This is why it’s great to self promote.
For instance, what I have been most curious about is the research I’ve read on the gender gap in self promotion between men and women. Researchers have found that with men in the workspace, they rate their performance 33% higher than equally performing women.
Why it’s great to self promote
My goal in sharing and writing about this topic is because I have found myself at times doing the same- hesitating to share my wins and talk about the great things that my business is doing. I have worked hard to change this and I want other women to feel confident to do the same.
In other words, there are many benefits to shouting your good-stuff to the mountain tops- catching the attention of your dream company, or your first solopreneur client…maybe finding financial support for a new biz you’re exploring. The point is, by keeping quiet, you close yourself off from opportunities (where’s the magnetism in that?). There are so many reasons for building your personal brand by sharing about what you do and how well you do it.
Here are 3 tips from Inc Mag on how to promote yourself without feeling like you’re bragging:
1. Focus on your intention. Who will benefit from what you’re sharing?
2. Avoid using words that dismiss others. Too many “I”s in your next post? Change some to “we” for inclusivity.
3. Stick to the main facts. Oversharing could straggle the line of bragging. Less is more sometimes.
Above all, take a deep breath, smile, and show us what you’re proud of. Remember why it’s great to self promote- if you never share about yourself, the world will never know. We’re here for it!
In conclusion, I hope this article helps others out there; both women and men.
XOXO, Natasha
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